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Team – Envy Salon


Meet Our Staff

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[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1473762073012{padding-top: 90px !important;padding-bottom: 90px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/2″ animate=”fadeinleft” delay=”0.8″ offset=”vc_col-md-3″]


She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.

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She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.

[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ animate=”fadeinright” delay=”0.5″ offset=”vc_col-md-3″]


She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.

[/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ animate=”fadeinright” delay=”0.8″ offset=”vc_col-md-3″]


She is our Lead Hair Designer and the creative inspiration. She’s happy to help you decide the best hair style.

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Fun Facts

Washing hair removes excess sweat and oil, as well as unwanted products from the hair and scalp. Often hair is washed as part of a shower or bathing with shampoo, a specialized surfactant. Shampoos work by applying water and shampoo to the hair.